Saturday 20 April 2013

Another 'sequence shot', or intense choreography

The band OK Go are well-known for having exuberant music videos for their songs. In 2012, they uploaded a promotional video to Youtube of a (somewhat) 'acoustic' version of their song Needing/Getting.

According the the video's description on Youtube, 'OK Go set up over 1000 instruments over two miles of desert outside Los Angeles', and the video took '4 months of preparation and 4 days of shooting and recording'.

The result is an impressively-choreographed reproduction of Needing/Getting, of which a studio recording was released in 2010, with the band's frontman driving a car through a course set-up with different instruments, with microphones attached all over the car.

Obviously, the video was 'made in partnership' with Chevrolet, who provided a budget of 'somewhere between $500,000 and $1 million' (according to this link), but overall I think the video gives more of a 'wow-factor' for the band than an advert for Chevrolet - but that might just be my opinion.

Considering the complexity of the shoot, and that the filming took places over 4 days, it isn't exactly a long-take, or much of a sequence shot, although to watch it,  it's obviously a series of sequence shots edited together to make it look like a continuous take.

Either way, it's something else to aspire to, like Michel Gondry's 'Knives Out' video.

The video:

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